Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fall Swim Schedule 2012

Hi everyone!
I've had such a great Summer swimming with so many of you! The progress your kids have made is very exciting!
Below is my schedule for Fall 2012 through June 2013.
One added change is that I am now offering 2 x a week classes for interested swimmers at the yurt pool. You can choose to come one day per week or two times per week. Once you have decided what you'd like, please stay with that choice for the entire month as that's how you'll be billed.

                                            Fall Schedule 2012

  (Scroll to bottom for BIAC schedule)
YURT POOL    (for new and newer swimmers)
3 students max per class
Here’s all you need to do:

  1. Choose which day(s) you'd like a lesson: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  2. Select the time you’d like to have your lesson. Please give me a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. As people sign up, fewer times will be available.
  3. Let me know if you’d like to have a lesson with a particular group of kids (i.e. neighbors, carpooling friends, etc). Each family must email me.
  4. Email me (islandcoopers@serv.net) as soon as you have made your selection as classes fill quickly.
  5. Include as many details about your child, schedule etc. I am detail oriented and want to make your scheduling as smooth as possible.
  6. After I have put you in my swim schedule, I will be emailing you a confirmation and  invoice.
  7. Please pay for month's tuition before or on the first day of class.
  8. Generally, I follow the public school calendar when dealing with vacation/holidays.
  9. Fall classes start week of September 9th.
A quick reminder about monthly tuition: I charge by the month, not by the lesson. Your payment secures your spot in my schedule.

MONDAYS: 3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p, 5:30p
TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 10:15a, 10:45, 11:15a, 11:45a , 3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p, 5:30p


SCHEDULE for BI Aquatic Center Classes on FRIDAYS and SUNDAYS

These times are for “yurt graduates” who are transitioning with me to the aquatic center. I’ll let you know if your child is ready to move to BIAC if you don't already have that info.
3 students max per class

Here’s all you need to do:

1.Choose if you'd like to come on Fridays or Sundays.

2.Select the dates you can come when you register. You are responsible for payment on the dates you select.  Payment is due by the first lesson of each month and reserves your spot in my schedule.

3. Select the time of day you’d like to have your lesson. Please give me a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. (As people sign up, fewer times will be available). Times from 3p to 5p are reserved for school age kids.

4. Email me (islandcoopers@serv.net) as soon as you have made your selections as classes fill quickly.


Sept.  21, 28 (Sept 14 no class~ swim meet)
Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26
Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30
Dec. 7, 14, 21
Below are tentative dates for 2013:
Jan. 11,18, 25
Feb. 1, 8, 15
March 1,8, 15, 22, 29
April 12, 19, 26
May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Times: 9a, 9:30a, 10a, 10:30a, 11a, 11:30a,  130p, 2p, 2:30p, 3p, 3:30p, 4p,4:30p

Sept.9, 16, 23, 30
Oct.7, 14, 21, 28
Nov.4, 11, 18, 25
Dec.2, 9, 16
Below are tentative dates for 2013:
Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27
Feb. 3, 10, 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24
April 7, 14, 21, 28
May 5, 12, 19, 26
June 2, 9, 16

Times: 8:30a, 9a, 9:30a, 10a

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bainbridge Island Aquatic Center SWIM TEST

In order for children to swim independently at the Bainbridge Island aquatic center, including the deep end, diving board and rope swing, they need to pass their "swim test".
This test shows the lifeguard that your child is a confident swimmer.
Here's what each swimmer needs to do:
*swim from one end of the diving well to the other and then back again without stopping.
Overarm recovery, easy movements through the water with head in and NO doggy paddling. It is not necessary for your swimmer to know how to side breathe, they just can't be swimming with their face out of the water.
*float on their back for 1 minute or tread water for 1 minute.
Generally, smaller kids do better with the back float rather than treading water.

If your child is not used to the deep water, or is tentative in water over the head, he/she is not ready to take the swim test.

"I passed the swim test!"

Kids are really proud when they pass the swim test! To move faster through the line at open swim, bring your child's swim license with you to the pool.  This way the front desk person doesn't have to look your child up on the computer~ less waiting, more swim time!

Even if your child has passed the swim test, please watch them carefully during swim times. Watch for signs of them getting tired and needing a break.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer 2012 Swim Schedule is ready!

Hi Swim Families,
Please click on the Summer Swim Schedule link to the right of the blog to view all available times/dates for swim lessons.
Currently enrolled swim families will have the option of scheduling first. By May 15th, I will open up the schedule for new swimmers.
Please email me if you have any questions!

To secure your spot(s), all classes must be prepaid  PRIOR to classes starting. Thanks!

  (Scroll to bottom for BIAC schedule)

YURT POOL    (for new and newer swimmers)
3 students max per class

Here’s all you need to do:

  1. Classes are twice a week for two weeks during the Summer to accommodate busy travel times.
  2. Select the Session(s) you’d like to have your lesson and the time. Please give me a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. You are welcome to sign up for as many sessions as you'd like. (As people sign up, fewer times will be available).
  3. Let me know if you’d like to have a lesson with a particular group of kids (i.e. neighbors, carpooling friends, etc). Each family must email me.
  4. Email me (islandcoopers@serv.net) as soon as you have made your selection as classes fill quickly.
  5. Include as many details about your child, schedule etc. I am detail oriented and want to make your scheduling as smooth as possible.
  6. After I have put you in my swim schedule, I will be emailing you with all the details and will include an invoice.
  7. Please pay for your selected Sessions after I have sent you a confirmation and invoice. Payment is due prior to the start of classes. If you are signing up for several sessions, you are welcome to post date some of your classes.
  8. Generally, I follow the public school calendar when dealing with vacation/holidays.
  9. Summer classes start week of June 24th.

Session 1- Tuesday/Thursday  June 26, 28, July 3, 5
Class times: 10:30a, 11a, 11:30a 12p   3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p

Session 2- Tuesday/Thursday July 10, 12, 17, 19
Class times: 10:30a, 11a, 11:30a 12p, 12:30p   3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p

Session 3-Tuesday/Thursday July 24, 26, 31, August 2
Class times: 10:30a, 11a, 11:30a 12p, 12:30p    3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p

Session 4- Tuesday/Thursday Aug 14, 16, 21, 23
Class times: 10:30a, 11a, 11:30a 12p, 12:30p    3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p

EXAMPLE registration:

I’ve selected Sessions 2, 3 and 4.

First choice is 4p, 2nd choice is 3:30p, 3rd choice is 5p.

I’d like to have Joey swim with neighbor Addie Adams (they are the same level).


SCHEDULE for BI Aquatic Center Classes on FRIDAYS and SUNDAYS

These times are for “yurt graduates” who are transitioning with me to the aquatic center. I’ll let you know if your child is ready to move to BIAC if you don't already have that info.
3 students max per class

Here’s all you need to do:

1.Choose if you'd like to come on Fridays or Sundays.
2.Select the dates you can come. Only pay for the ones you have chosen as I realize weekends are challenging.
3. Select the time of day you’d like to have your lesson. Please give me a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. (As people sign up, fewer times will be available).
4. Email me (islandcoopers@serv.net) as soon as you have made your selections as classes fill quickly.


June 29
NO classes on July 6th (BIAC make up day for the 4th)
July 13, 20, 27
August 3, 10, 17, 24

Times: 9a, 9:30a, 10a, 10:30a, 11a, 11:30a, 12p, 12:30p, 1p, 130p
June 24
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
August 5, 12, 19, 26

Times: 8:30a, 9a, 9:30a, 10a

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fearful swimmers, do you have these thoughts?

Many adults are very frightened of the water. Why does this happen?
A small percentage of adults just never had the opportunity to learn to swim. The majority of adult non swimmers had something negative happen to them as children or teens. That negative experience did not get resolved and every time a nervous adult gets near water, it reminds him/her how out of control they feel around water, how vulnerable they feel.  Naturally, who wants to experience that?
More often than not, they can remember the incident like it happened yesterday. They know where they were, what they were wearing, who was with them and where "it" happened. Often, when a child has had a bad incident, the attending adult/parent is naturally scared as well. In an effort to make everything alright again, the adult  might say "you're okay, see, everything's okay now" sending a very confusing, mixed message to the child. The child definitely doesn't feel okay but the adult is saying everything is fine now. The child is learning not to trust his/her feelings around water.
Carrying that memory can be burdensome and often adults feel embarrassed not knowing how to swim.

Can people with fear really learn to swim?
The first step is acknowledging and respecting the adult's negative water experience. It's not going to get brushed under the rug, but rather, will become a pathway for a positive new swim experience.  Part of my job is demystifying misconceptions about what actually happens to our bodies in the water.
An example: "If I put my head underwater, I will drink tons of water and choke and drown." Many fearful swimmers feel that they don't have control over their bodies; they feel paralyzed once they are in water. The answer to the above quote would be to begin inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose on top of the water. Notice how we do this naturally when we talk. As we get closer to the water, we are conscientious about it and can even see our exhalation through bubbles that are created. As long as we're exhaling, water cannot enter.

Below are some beliefs many non swimmers feel, can you relate to any of these? Knowing that others feel the same way might give a fearful swimmer a bit of comfort. These beliefs are often misinformation and when I teach adults, my objective is to clarify what is real and what is not.

Check the sentences that you believe, even if you think they sound silly:

--If I put my face in the water, I'll get water in my nose and mouth.
--It's dangerous if I get water in my nose or mouth.
--If I get water in my nose or mouth, I'll struggle, sputter, cough and possibly drown.
--If  water gets in my mouth, I'll swallow it.
--If I relax in water, I'll drop straight to the bottom like a rock.
--I am not a floater.
--I'm not a swimmer yet.
--It would be unwise for me to relax in the water.
--If I relax in the water, I might lose control.
--I may not have adequate lung capacity to swim.
--Deep water works differently than shallow water.
-- Each breath I take must be maximal in case I don't get another one.
--If a skill works for me in the shallow end, it won't necessarily work for me in the deep end.
--To float correctly, I must be horizontal.
--Being able to float depends on where the bottom is.
--A person can't get air in the deep end if there is no bottom to stand on.
--If I am in deep water, I need to move fast to get to the other side so I don't drown.
--In deep water, I need skills that I don't need in shallow water.
--I am only safe if I can stand up.
--Deep water will not hold me up.
--I need to be physically fit in order to swim.
--Adults don't learn to swim well; especially the older one gets.
--I am nearsighted; that makes swimming really hard for me. I can't see where I'm going.

If everyone in your family swims but you, if your kids are stronger swimmers, if you are tired of being the one who is always on the deck instead of in the water with everyone else, if you’ve been avoiding fun water activities like kayaking or canoeing because of the fear of falling into water, then be assured, that if you have the desire to learn to swim safely and confidently, it can happen for you!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Importance Of Underwater Exhalation

Improving exhalation technique feels so good because:

- It rids the lungs and blood stream of CO2, the build-up of which is what leads to feelings of tension or even panic. Blow the CO2 out into the water and your swimming will feel much more relaxed.
- It makes swimming more aerobic by improving the gas exchange in your lungs.
- It means that when you do go to breathe, you only have to inhale, not exhale and inhale in the short window available to you.
- It reduces the buoyancy in your chest which helps keep your buoyancy balanced, bringing your legs up higher towards the surface.

Exhaling into the water sounds very basic but many swimming instructors have overlooked how important it is for good swimming technique. Try holding your breath for a few seconds while running or cycling and see just how bad it feels! This same principle applies to swimming.