Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer Schedule 2015

Hi everyone!
Below are the 2 options for your swimmers. If your child is a beginner up to Fish or Kinder 3, they go to the yurt pool. If they have "graduated" from my yurt pool program, they transition with me to the aquatic center. Both options are through my independent swim program.


My scheduling is a bit different than other swim programs. I create classes by your needs first. Once times have been spoken for, I will be adding additional students. If your child is already in my program, I’ll know where to place him/her.
If you are new to my program, we’ll meet once and then I’ll have an idea where to place your child.
Here’s all you need to do:

1. Please select the day you would like lessons, MON, TUES, WED (you can choose 1, 2 or 3 days per week).
2. Next select the dates you want to come. See dates below.
3. Select the time of day you want to come. Please select 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices.(As people sign up, fewer times will be available). 1p, 1:30p, 2p, 2:30p, 3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p   
EX: 1. Mondays 1st choice~ Tuesdays 2nd choice
        2. All July dates- July 6, 13, 20, 27                 Total is $80
        3. 4p 1st choice, 3p 2nd choice, 5p 3rd choice
4. Email me ( as soon as you have made your selections as classes fill quickly.
5. After I have put you in my swim schedule, I will be emailing you with all the details and will be including an invoice for your selections.
6. Please pay for ALL the classes you have signed up for prior to start date as payment reserves your spot.
7. Each class is $20
June 29
July 6, 13, 20, 27
August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Class times: 1p, 1:30p, 2p, 2:30p, 3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p                

June 30
July 7, 14, 21, 28
August 4, 11, 18, 25

Class times: 1p, 1:30p, 2p, 2:30p, 3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
August 5, 12, 19, 26

Class times: 1p, 1:30p, 2p, 2:30p, 3p, 3:30p, 4p, 4:30p, 5p. 5:30p
Make up lessons are on a SPACE ONLY basis and as a courtesy to my swimmers. I cannot guarantee a make up but I will try. There are no refunds if you miss a class. If I cancel a class due to illness or an emergency, you will be refunded or a lesson will be rescheduled.



with Kathy

Swimmers who have graduated from my yurt pool program get first priority for BIAC spots when transitioning with me.

Please note, for the months of JULY and AUGUST, I will be teaching on Fridays only.
Here’s all you need to do:
1. Pick any/all Fridays you’d like.
2. Select the time of day you’d like to have your lesson. Please give me a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. (As people sign up, fewer times will be available).
3. Let me know if you’d like to have a lesson with a particular group of kids (i.e.neighbors, carpooling friends etc).
4. Email me ( as soon as you have made your selections as classes fill quickly.
5. After you are placed in my schedule, I'll be emailing you with all the details and will include an invoice.
6. Each lesson is $20, please pay for ALL the lessons you have selected prior to start date. Payment reserves your spot.
July   3, 10, 17, 24, 31
August , 14
Times: 10:30a, 11a, 11:30a, 12p, 12:30p, 1p, 1:30p, 2p