Hi Everyone!
A lot of you have been requesting lessons. THANK YOU so much for trusting me to teach your kids this valuable life skill!
Let me explain how my program works so you don't think I am ignoring your requests!
Children start with me at the warm salt water yurt pool as beginners or almost beginners with none to low skills.
Swimmers stay with me until 1 of 2 things happen: the parents decide to leave the program or the child learns how to swim.
the child "graduates" from the yurt pool, they can transition with me
as their instructor (through my independent program) to the aquatic
center. At this time, they have all the necessary skills to go right
into the deep end of the pool and can start learning about technique and
Happily, I have a lot of yurt graduates! And most of
them wait until I have a spot for them at the aquatic center to
transition. Therefore, I DO NOT take any NEW students directly to the
aquatic center.
I teach approx. 101 students per week. It's only
when one of these kids leave my program that I actually have an opening,
which brings me back to your requests.
Thanks so much for your patience,